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  6. Commission Meeting #4 Dec 4 2019 Delegate Presentation Material

Folder Commission Meeting #4 Dec 4 2019 Delegate Presentation Material

Before the December 4th 2019 DRPC Commission Meeting in Dawson City, a call-out…

was made to all planning partners to invite them to attend the Commission Meeting as a delegate and present their organizations’ perspective directly to the Commission. 

The following are the notes and presentations that were provided by the delegates*. 


Select Toggle Title Date
pdf Brooke Rudolph Klondike Placer Miners Association ( pdf, 4.94 MB ) (540 downloads)
pdf Chrystal Mantyka Pringle WCS additional notes ( pdf, 463 KB ) (446 downloads)
pdf Chrystal Mantyka Pringle WCS Cliome Assessment ( pdf, 2.79 MB ) (519 downloads)
pdf Grant Allan Yukon Prospectors Association 2 Submissions ( pdf, 551 KB ) (477 downloads)
pdf Kiri Staples Independent Researcher Cumulative Effects Social Perceptions ( pdf, 88 KB ) (468 downloads)
pdf Megan Hornseth YG Cumulative Effects Presentation to the Commission ( pdf, 1.32 MB ) (530 downloads)
pdf Megan Waterman Klondike Farmers Association ( pdf, 51 KB ) (477 downloads)
pdf Miles Thorpe Yukon Wood Products Association ( pdf, 2.82 MB ) (603 downloads)
pdf Randi Newton CPAWS ( pdf, 613 KB ) (489 downloads)
pdf Sebastian Jones Yukon Conservation Society ( pdf, 3.39 MB ) (484 downloads)
pdf Trish Hume Yukon Chamber of Mines ( pdf, 1.24 MB ) (532 downloads)
pdf Warick Bullen Yukon Geological Survey Mineral Potential ( pdf, 3.48 MB ) (484 downloads)