Yukon Regional Planning Links
Planning Partners:
DRPC Press Release: Interim Land Withdrawals
The Dawson Planning Commission has issued a press release in response to the recent announcement of interim land withdrawals in the Dawson Planning Region: On March 12, 2021, the Government of Yukon announced that certain lands within the Dawson planning region have...
Website upgrades
We are testing technology upgrades for our website. If you are having any trouble with our website, please email sam@planyukon.ca. Thanks!

The Resource Assessment Report 2020
This edition of the RAR has been updated from the original 2013 version with the assistance of the Yukon Land Use Planning Council and technical staff from Yukon Government and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in. The report has also been updated based on feedback we received from the...
In Your Words – Report on Public Engagement
The Commission has released their final report on what they heard during the public engagement period November 2019 - June 2020. Click here to read the In Your Words Report. The Commission is always accepting feedback and you can learn about upcoming events and...
Deadline Extended!
We've been getting useful feedback at our public events and through our engagement website. However, we want more! So, we extended the deadline to January 6th in order to get more feedback on our foundational documents (Resource Assessment Report and Issues and...
Dawson Commission Meeting #4
The Commission will be meeting on December 4th, 2019 at the Downtown Hotel Conference Room, Dawson City. This business meeting is open to the public. There will be a number of delegations presenting to the Commission over the day. Have a look at the agenda and save...