The Commission Hires New Senior Planner

The Commission Hires New Senior Planner

The Commission is pleased to welcome Kirsten Reid as their new Senior Planner. Kirsten is an ecologist whose past work has focused on the changing ecosystems in central and northern Yukon. Kirsten has a PhD in Geography from Memorial University of Newfoundland and an...
Recommended Plan Methods

Recommended Plan Methods

In early May, 2023, we published a report that describes the methods used by the Commission and staff when writing the Recommended Plan. This report focuses on their work between the Draft Plan and the Recommended Plan, and is organized by planning concept. Though...
Recommended Plan More Accessible

Recommended Plan More Accessible

Information that pops up when an LMU is clicked. Since our Recommended Plan went public, we recognized that it is a large document and wanted to make parts of the plan more accessible and easy to find. We are trying to do this by creating a series of new web-pages...
Landscape Management Units

Landscape Management Units

The Dawson Planning Region has been divided into discrete areas of land. Consistent with other Regional land use plans, these are called Landscape Management Units (LMUs). Each LMU is identified and delineated from the others based on a review of human use, ecological...

Cumulative Effects Framework

Introduction The Recommended Plan includes a “Cumulative Effects Framework” which is described in Chapter 4 of the Plan. The Dawson Region is an active landscape that hosts many activities including mining, traditional economy, forestry, recreation,...