Recommended Plan Methods

Recommended Plan Methods

In early May, 2023, we published a report that describes the methods used by the Commission and staff when writing the Recommended Plan. This report focuses on their work between the Draft Plan and the Recommended Plan, and is organized by planning concept. Though...
Recommended Plan More Accessible

Recommended Plan More Accessible

Information that pops up when an LMU is clicked. Since our Recommended Plan went public, we recognized that it is a large document and wanted to make parts of the plan more accessible and easy to find. We are trying to do this by creating a series of new web-pages...
LMU 21: Wëdzey Tąy (Fortymile Caribou Corridor)

LMU 21: Wëdzey Tąy (Fortymile Caribou Corridor)

Land Use Designation: Integrated Stewardship Area 2 Land Status: Non-Settlement Land and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Settlement Land TH S-13B1 Area: 2021km2 Planning Region % 5.1%     Walking on the Land Together (Intent Statement) Aligning with the Special Management Area...
LMU 20: Łuk Tthe K’ät (Scottie Creek Wetlands)

LMU 20: Łuk Tthe K’ät (Scottie Creek Wetlands)

Land Use Designation: Special Management Area Land Status: Non-Settlement Land and White River First Nation Lands Set Aside S-147B Area: 356km2 Planning Region % 0.9%       Walking on the Land Together (Intent Statement) Our vision for this area is to protect the...
LMU 19: Tädzan Dëk (White River)

LMU 19: Tädzan Dëk (White River)

Land Use Designation: Integrated Stewardship Area 1 Land Status: Non-Settlement Land and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Settlement Land TH R-44A, TH R-45B, TH R-50A, TH S-17B1 Area: 4,132 km2 Planning Region % 10.4%     Walking on the Land Together (Intent Statement) The intent...