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Folder Issues & Interests - Group Submissions

pdf 2011 Workplan

By 1374 downloads

Download (pdf, 26 KB)


pdf Placer Miners Survey

By 1421 downloads

Download (pdf, 79 KB)


20 individual submission of this identical form letter were received from placer miners in the Dawson region.
A brief survey was completed and attached to each submission received.

pdf Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Government Submission

By 1511 downloads

Download (pdf, 203 KB)

LUP_TH I and I.pdf

pdf WCSC Interest and Issues Submission

By 1451 downloads

Download (pdf, 163 KB)

WCSC_Issues and Interests_DRLUP_Aug2011.pdf

pdf Yukon Chamber of Mines/Klondike Placer Miners Association Issues & Interest

By 1464 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.08 MB)

DRPC - Chamber of Mines Issues and Interests.pdf

pdf Yukon Conservation Society Interest and Issues Submission

By 1334 downloads

Download (pdf, 131 KB)

YCS Issues and interests submission August 25th 2011.pdf

pdf Yukon Energy Corporation

By 1665 downloads

Download (pdf, 41 KB)

Yukon Energy.pdf

pdf Yukon Government Technical Report on Issues and Interests

By 1842 downloads

Download (pdf, 340 KB)

YG_I&I Technical Report final for DRPC.pdf

pdf Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee Submission

By 1846 downloads

Download (pdf, 164 KB)
