Yukon Regional Planning Links

Former Commissions with plans being implemented:

Planning Resources:


Cumumulative Disturbance Presentation

This presentation was given to the Commission on December 2nd, 2021 by Sam Skinner (YLUPC). It describes the general content of a cumulative disturbance forecast report that is expected to be delivered to the Commission later in the month. It will provide methods and...

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Draft Plan Feedback Now Available

Draft Plan Feedback Now Available

During the four and a half months of engagement on the Draft Plan we received numerous submissions from the public, stakeholders and the Parties to the Plan. As we are working through the feedback we have received, we are making it available on our website.  You can...

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Draft Plan Consultation is Over

Draft Plan Consultation is Over

After a marathon four and a half months consulting on our Draft Plan, we are now turning our attention to reviewing input and making our Recommended Plan. We are proud of our efforts in explaining our Draft Plan to many audiences, and in hearing back from them. During...

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