Draft Plan Consultation is Over

After a marathon four and a half months consulting on our Draft Plan, we are now turning our attention to reviewing input and making our Recommended Plan. We are proud of our efforts in explaining our Draft Plan to many audiences, and in hearing back from them. During our consultation, we:

  • held 7 workshops
  • met with over 30 stakeholders/plan partners
  • held public meetings in Dawson City, Whitehorse and Mayo
  • met with TH citizens, TH elders, and Dawson youth at school
  • published accessible and information-rich Plan Summary and Highlights documents as well as our Engagement Website
  • ran a detailed survey for two and a half months

Meeting notes and other results of our consultation have been, and will continue to be, posted here.

We are planning on releasing our Recommended Plan in the spring of 2022, after which time the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and Yukon Governments will consult on them.

Mähsi cho and Thank You to everyone that shared their thoughts, views and knowledge!

Left: some of the feedback we received on our Draft Plan. Right: our Draft Plan