Dawson Regional Planning to Resume

Dawson Regional Planning to Resume

After months of working with us and the Vuntut Gwitchin Government, the Yukon Government and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in announced on June 29th, 2018 that they approved a Terms of Reference for a new commission. Now these two governments, or the...


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The Dawson Region

The Dawson planning region now covers 39 854 km2 (approximately 8% of the Yukon), down from 45 240 km2 when the Commission was active from 2010-2014. The upper Miner and Whitestone watersheds were removed from the previous region to be planned in a separate process....


The Dawson Regional Planning Commission will meet regularly, usually in Dawson City. These meetings will begin with training and orientation, then will include discussion around planning direction, and decisions regarding the next phases of the planning process. Most...