A Message From The Commission May 2021

Dawson Region Draft Plan Will Be Released in June

We are excited to announce that we will be releasing a Draft Land Use Plan for the Dawson region in June for public review.

We will be inviting Yukoners to provide feedback on the Draft Plan throughout the summer and early fall. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll post more information on how you can be involved. 

We will need your help to get the Plan right and look forward to receiving your input and comments on it.  We will be asking what you like about the Draft Plan, what you think is missing, and how you would prioritize the ideas and options in the Draft Plan to ensure we balance current and future values.

We are committed to fully considering everything that we hear during the upcoming engagement process.  

Our Draft Plan, which we call ‘On the Land We Walk Together’ / ‘Nän käk ndä tr’ädäl’ reflects our vision and planning philosophy. It is meant to reflect community values and to strike a balance within the Dawson planning region between a sustainable economy and ecological and cultural preservation. 


The Plan will guide the stewardship and management of land, water, and resources. We hope that it will help chart our collective future, prosperity, and our connection to the land we all love.


We want to emphasize that the plan we will be releasing will be a Draft Plan.  It will not be a decision.  It will be the starting point for the next phase of the planning process, which will be to develop a Recommended Plan.  

The Recommended Plan will be submitted in 2022 to the Yukon and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Governments.

We want to thank everyone who provided input during our last public engagement phase for their participation and support.  We look forward to hearing from you again as we move closer to completion of a plan for the Dawson region.

We are confident that we can achieve our goal of balancing values and finding compromises that most people can live with. Doing this work together is not only in our best interests, but for our children’s and our children’s children.

Thank you to everyone for being with us on this journey to date, and we look forward to walking together on the path ahead.