Folder 2021 Draft Plan Public Engagement Materials

Explore here for comments and summaries from the 2021 summer/fall engagement activities.  See also the 'Plan Partners' and 'Parties to the Plan' folders below for their input.

More will be added as we continue to work through our engagement process. 

pdf Afternoon Tea Circles- Event Poster

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Afternoon Tea Circles (1).pdf

pdf August 2021 Workshops Summary Future Planning Areas

By 924 downloads

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August_Workshops_Summary - Future Planning Areas.pdf

pdf August Workshops Summary Conservation Zones & Wetlands

By 887 downloads

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August_Workshops_Summary - Conservation Zones & Wetlands.pdf

pdf Community Conversations October 13 2021 - Event Poster

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Community Conversations.pdf

pdf Final Notes September 2021 CE Workshop

By 858 downloads

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Final Notes September 2021 CE Workshop.pdf

pdf Meeting Notes KPMA AGM Sept 3 2021 Final

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Meeting Notes KPMA_AGM_Sept 3 2021__Final.pdf

pdf Notes from Dawson Community Conversations Oct 13 2021

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Dawson Community Conversations_ Oct 13 2021 _web_final.pdf

On October 13 2021 the Commission held a series of community conversations at Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Hall.  These are the staff and facilitator notes from those important conversations. 

pdf Notes from Dawson Wetlands Workshop Oct 27 2021

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Dawson Wetlands Workshop Oct 27 - For Web_final.pdf

On October 27 2021 the Commission hosted a technical workshop on the topic of Wetlands in the Region.  These notes reflect the major themes and discussions that occurred during that workshop.

pdf Notes from Mayo Community Conversation Oct 14 2021

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Mayo Community Conversation Oct 14 2021 - web version.pdf

On October 14 2021 DRPC staff and Chair travelled to Mayo to host a community meeting in the Mayo Recreation Hall. 

pdf Notes from Tea Circle Conversations Dawson Oct 12 2021

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Tea circle chat Dawson Oct 12 2021 - Web Version _ Final.pdf

To accommodate people who prefer a smaller more intimate setting to discuss their reactions to the Draft Plan, the DRPC hosted an afternoon of conversation and tea to discuss their values in the Dawson Region.  Notes from these exchanges can be found here.  

pdf Notes from TH Citizen & Commission gathering Dawson Oct 20 2021

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407 - TH Citizen & Commission gathering- Summary for web.pdf

pdf Notes from Whitehorse Community Conversations Oct 19 2021

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Whitehorse Community Conversations - for website.pdf

DRPC staff and Commission members hosted a series of community conversations at the Yukon Inn in Whitehorse on October 19 2021.  There was a good turn out for the event and a lot of valuable conversations were had.  You can see the notes from this meeting here.

pdf Whitehorse Openhouse - Event Poster

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Whitehorse Community Conversations_sm.png