DRPC: Continuing to Work in a Virtual World

On April 23 2020 the Commission held a morning working session to discuss how they will proceed over the spring and summer given Covid-19 related restrictions and opportunities. We are slowly learning how to proceed in a virtual world!

The Commission has agreed to a meeting schedule of two morning working sessions per month in May and June to discuss key planning items and to provide staff with direction. Instead of in-person meetings, the Commission has directed staff to provide regular updates to the public online and to use engagement tools when necessary, including online surveys and polls.

A few key highlights from the meeting:

• Completion of the Resource Assessment Report SOON! – Set to be finalized in May 2020 and available on our website.

• Staff are again working with the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Land Stewardship Framework Program on engaging with citizens via online surveys and phone interviews. Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in is leading this initiative with support from Commission staff, and we will await submission of this information prior to completing the final Issues and Interests Report and the In Your Words Summary Report of Public Engagement, this spring.

• Staff are reaching out to those interest groups that were identified as a gap in the draft In Your Words Report. This includes Elders / Seniors and Youth, as well as the tourism industry

• Following input from citizen engagement results from Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, staff will seek feedback on the Commission’s Draft Plan Goals and Objectives from the Yukon Government and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Government, and will begin developing appropriate and effective tools to engage the public and plan partners on this key planning item.

We thank everyone for their contributions and interest in the planning process, and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions!