The Commission
Vision Statement
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Sr. Planner Reports
The Dawson Region
Recommended Plan
Land Management Units
LMU 1: Tthetäwndëk (Tatonduk)
LMU 2: Horseshoe
LMU 3: Chu Kon Dëk (Yukon River Corridor)
LMU 4: Tsey Dëk (Fifteenmile)
LMU 5: Ddhäl Ch’ël (Tombstone)
LMU 6: Tr’ondëk (Klondike)
LMU 7: Wehtr’e (Antimony)
LMU 8: Brewery Creek
LMU 9: Clear Creek
LMU 10: Tintina Trench
LMU 11: Goldfields
LMU 12: Tr’ondëk Täk’it (Klondike Valley)
LMU 13: Ch’ë̀nyä̀ng (City of Dawson)
LMU 14: Tay Dë̀kdhät (Top of the World)
LMU 15: Khel Dëk (Sixty Mile)
LMU 16: Wëdzey Nähuzhi (Matson Uplands)
LMU 17: Nän Dhòhdäl (Upper Indian River Wetlands)
LMU 18: Therian Dëk (Coffee Creek)
LMU 19: Tädzan Dëk (White River)
LMU 20: Łuk Tthe K’ät (Scottie Creek Wetlands)
LMU 21: Wëdzey Tąy (Fortymile Caribou Corridor)
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