Commission Update – October 16, 2020

The Dawson Regional Planning Commission and staff would like to thank those of you who attended our last meeting (either in person or virtually) on October 6, 2020. We just wanted to share a quick update with you on our progress and next steps in the planning process:

New information on our website: The following documents are now on our website ( for your information:

      Next Steps: The Commission and staff are beginning to draft management directions for the planning region. This step requires analysis of available information, including areas identified as having significant economic, ecological and/or cultural value within the planning region. At their working session on October 7th, the Commission received preliminary information on conservation priorities from the Canadian Wildlife Service, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and Yukon Government. This information will be used, together with economic and cultural information, to develop land use options and strategies in the Draft Plan. The team will continue with this work in the fall and winter and we are anticipating release of the Draft Plan in the spring of 2021 followed by a comprehensive public engagement process.

Next Commission Meeting: The Commission is planning to hold its next meeting in early December.  More details on this will be made available soon.  Any comments or suggestions for improvement that you may have can be emailed to