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Folder Resource Assessment Report (archive)

This report was published in 2013, and is being updated to support planning in 2019 and beyond. Check back for updates!

The following Chapters are contained in this report:


2. Vision, Goals and Principles

3. Relevant Legislation

4. People, Settlement and Economy

5. Biophysical Setting

6. Land Status

7. Resource Value

8. Heritage

9. Water

10. Forests

11. Fish & Wildlife Habitat

12. Conservation Priorities Assessment

13. Minerals

14. Energy

15. Agriculture

16. Tourism and Recreation

17. Transportation and Access


Folder Appendices  (6)




Interests and Issues Report


Guidelines for Data Submission


Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Resource Report for the Dawson Regional Planning Process


Government of Yukon – Information Submission to Resource Assessment


Bioclimate, Ecodistrict and Ecologically Significant Mapping for the Dawson Planning Region, Yukon


Dawson Land Use Planning Mineral Potential Assessment


Placer Potential Map 

Folder Resource Maps  (26)

Resource Maps

The Report is accompanied by Resource Summary Maps depicting the distribution of resources across the region. The following Maps are distributed with the Resource Assessment Report:


NB: Notes regarding data sources may be found in Section 3 of the Resource Assessment Report.

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The RAR examines renewable and non-renewable resources on Settlement and Non-Settlement Land within the planning region. Resource descriptions are drawn from information contributed by Yukon and First Nation government departments, from the knowledge and experience of Yukon Indian People and other residents of the planning region, as well as from other authoritative sources documented at the end of each section.

This document represents the knowledge base that the Commission will draw upon during the land use planning process. The RAR will provide the basis for analysis of plan alternatives in subsequent stages of the Dawson planning process.

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  5. Summary of the Dawson Planning Region Resource Assessment Report

pdf Summary of the Dawson Planning Region Resource Assessment Report

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FINAL Summary of the Dawson Planning Region (Oct 2014)_reduced.pdf

Summary of the Dawson Planning Region Resource Assessment Report

RAR SummaryThis document is a summary of the much larger and more detailed Dawson Planning Region Resource Assessment Report, published by the Dawson Regional Planning Commission in October 2013.