Yukon Regional Planning Links
Planning Partners:

Recommended Plan Released
Our Recommended Plan is now public! You can find the Recommended Plan, the Recommended Plan Summary and the Recommended Plan Summary here. The Plan Parties (Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in and Yukon Governments) will consult on the Recommended Plan before either approving it or...

In Your Words Report: A summary of feedback on DRPC Draft Plan engagement
The Dawson Planning Commission is excited to announce the public release of the In Your Words Report: A Summary of Draft Regional Plan Engagement and Feedback The report is a summary of what the Commission heard from the Parties, public, and Plan Partners during their...

Recommended Plan Handover June 10 2022
On June 10 2022 the Commission completed a major milestone in the Dawson Regional planning process. At the top of the Midnight Dome in Dawson City they officially handed over the Recommended Plan for the Dawson Region to the Parties and Affected First Nations. The...

Commission Meeting #15 March 21 2022
Join us on Zoom for our Commission Meeting on March 21 2022 at 9am - 12pm Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88469302826

Commission Meeting #14 Feb 9th 6pm
Join us for an evening meeting from 6:00 - 7:30 pm on February 9th 2022 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86257122175
Cumumulative Disturbance Presentation
This presentation was given to the Commission on December 2nd, 2021 by Sam Skinner (YLUPC). It describes the general content of a cumulative disturbance forecast report that is expected to be delivered to the Commission later in the month. It will provide methods and...